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Understanding Newborn Breastfeeding and Vomiting
Release time:2023-12-21 source:

Newborns experiencing breast milk and vomiting are common phenomena. Here is some information about these two situations:
Yangnai: Yangnai refers to the phenomenon where some food or milk flows back from the stomach to the esophagus or mouth of a baby after eating. This does not require special treatment, usually because the baby's esophageal sphincter is not fully developed, leading to food reflux. Breast milk is usually in small amounts and will not cause discomfort or pain to the baby, and the baby will continue to be lively and happy after breastfeeding. If the baby experiences frequent or excessive breastfeeding accompanied by other discomfort symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Vomiting: Unlike breast milk, vomiting refers to the rapid and active discharge of stomach contents by a baby, usually accompanied by strong abdominal pressure and muscle movements. Vomiting may be caused by infection, indigestion, overeating, or other health issues. If the baby frequently vomits, continues to vomit, or is accompanied by other discomfort symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical attention in a timely manner.
When dealing with breast milk and vomiting, the following suggestions can be considered:
Appropriate feeding amount for babies: Avoid overfeeding, ensure that babies eat comfortably, and avoid overeating.
Keeping the baby upright: After breastfeeding, keeping the baby upright for a period of time can help reduce the likelihood of breastfeeding and vomiting.
Avoid vigorous shaking: Avoid vigorously shaking the baby after breastfeeding to avoid stimulating the stomach.
Observing the baby's condition: Pay attention to the baby's weight gain, mental state, and other discomfort symptoms, and seek medical attention promptly if necessary.
In summary, lactation and vomiting in newborns are normal physiological phenomena in many cases, but if you have any questions about your baby's condition, it is recommended to consult a doctor for professional advice.

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