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Guide for using diapers for novice mothers
Release time:2023-12-21 source:

As a novice mother, the following is a guide for using diapers, hoping to be helpful to you:
Choose the appropriate size: There are different sizes for diapers, and choose the appropriate size based on the baby's weight and age. Ensuring the appropriate size can provide better comfort and leak resistance.
Cleaning the baby: Before putting diapers on the baby, make sure that the buttocks and leg areas are clean. Gently wipe the baby's skin with warm water and non irritating detergent or wipes, then thoroughly air dry.
Wearing diapers: Open the diaper and carefully place it under the baby's buttocks, ensuring that the diaper completely covers the baby's buttocks and thighs. Then, secure the wings or buckles of the diapers to ensure they are tight but not too tight.
Check fit: Ensure that the diapers fit snugly around the baby's waist and legs, but do not tighten too tightly to avoid discomfort or causing strangulation. The waist and legs of the diaper should be able to stretch freely, while also ensuring that the diaper is not loose or sagging.
Regular replacement: It is necessary to change diapers regularly according to the baby's needs. Newborns may need to be replaced every 2-3 hours, while older babies can extend the replacement interval. Changing diapers in a timely manner helps maintain baby comfort and hygiene.
Dealing with dirty diapers: After using diapers, place them in a diaper bucket or closed plastic bag to prevent the spread of odors. If there is stool on the diaper, you can first pour it into the toilet and then dispose of the diaper.
Pay attention to skin health: Observe the baby's skin for any signs of redness, inflammation, or allergies. If these issues are found, you can consider changing the brand or style of diapers, or consult a pediatrician for advice.

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